Cocoa Village to Fort Pierce 12/7/2017

Well, here we go again...another blog, wonder how long before i get tires of writing this information. We arrived last night to Cocoa Village anchorage at 7PM in complete darkness...ewww. It would have been a quicker trip if we didn’t have to wait 45 min for the bridge to open. You see, some of the bridges have a lockdown for the busiest car traffic hours, usually 7-9 and 4-5 which causes us to have to time our speed in accordance with those openings. This day we just forgot about this bridge and couldn’t pick up enough speed to make the 4 o’clock opening. Hence, we arrived at the anchorage in the dark. Cocoa Village bay front got destroyed in this last hurricane, taking out the dock and also the dinghy dock and closing the park. We snuck in with the dinghy and tied up to a concrete all to get Beamer to shore and when we got to the end of the park it was all gated with a small walkthrough out. Out to the beautiful community park and shopping area we went, walked around a bit to let Beamer get some walking (and peeing) time then we sneeked back thru the opening, staying in the shadows so no one could see us in that part of the park. I was so relieved when we were finally in the dinghy and on our way back to the boat. It’s really scary riding in that little boat in the dark. Won’t go back there until they fix the docks.

This morning we got up super early and left the anchorage. It’s okay for Beamer because he doesn’t get up until after 9 and we got to an anchorage at Eau Gallie, where we could take him to shore.  We’ve been here before to eat at Squid Lips, you eat right on the beach next to the water. There are trees there that look like octopus with the branch’s so long and heavy they have to prop them up with wood. I took a few pictures. The one picture of the saying was on the side of the library.

The water is very calm today, it is grey and very warm with little wind. We are on our way to either Vero Beach or Ft Pierce this evening...will update later.😘⛵️

We arrived at Fort Pierce this afternoon at 4:30 and anchored by the Harbourton Marina. Michael looked a few boats away and to our surprise he spotted our friends catamaran, Simplicity, Kathy and Ralph Hendry. He took a picture of it and texted it to them. They weren’t at their boat right then as their dinghy was gone. Decided to have a drink and apps at the Cove after we walked Beamer (he loves going to places like that). Got a call from Ralph and they decided to come in and have a drink with us. So great seeing old friends. The Cove is a great place and the singer was fantastic....singing Christmas music, loved it. Had a great visit.
